50 Diseñadores para seguir en Twitter

Twitter es un arma poderosísima si sabemos utilizarla correctamente, y personalmente a mí me ha ayudado mucho a la hora de encontrar referencias e inspiración en lo que al diseño se refiere.

Los chicos de WebDesignLedger han hecho una recopilación de cincuenta diseñadores y programadores a los que seguir en Twitter podría resultar muy interesante por su influencia en este mundillo, y yo ya estoy en ello.

Tras el salto.

Gary Thomas – (9swords) he tweets cool stuff for web designers.

Aaron Irizarry – (aaroni268) is a User Experience Designer for Harte-Hanks/PennySaver.

Angie Bowen – (angbowen) is a web designer/developer from Colorado.

Adam Smith – (atsmith) is the president and creative director of Advent Creative.

Andrew Wilkinson – (awilkinson) runs the interface design agency MetaLab.

Barry Madden – (BarryMadden) is a freelance web/GUI/graphic designer.

Brian Gardner – (bgardner) is the founder and CEO of StudioPress.

Brian K. McDaniel – (bkmacdaddy) is a web and graphic designer from San Francisco.

Paul Boag – (boagworld) founded web design agency Headscape and runs boagworld.

Brad Colbow – (bradcolbow) is a freelance web designer who also creates a weekly comic strip.

Brian Cray – (briancray) is a Colombus based web entrepreneur and consultant.

Rachael Furn – (calmbanana) is a web developer based in Northants, UK.

Chetan R – (cheth) is an indian based web/graphic designer.

Chris Spooner – (chrisspooner) is a Seattle based designer and blogger based in Sheffield, UK.

Liz Andrade – (cmdshiftdesign) is a web/graphic designer and a regular blogger.

Collis – (collis) is CEO/Co-Founder of Envato.

Walter Apai – (DesignerDepot) is a web designer who runs Web Designer Depot.

Emma Taylor – (emtaylor) is a freelance web designer based in Cyprus.

Hannah – (ErisDS) is PHP developer based in Northampton, UK.

Mike Rundle – (flyosity) is software developer based in Raleigh.

Glenn Hilton – (glennhilton) is a web designer/developer based in Vancouver.

Gopal Raju – (gopalraju) is an indian based web designer/developer and blogger.

Grace Smith – (gracesmith) is a freelance web designer/developer who also runs thefreelancefeed.com.

Janko Jovanovic – (jankowarpspeed) is a UI designer, software engineer, blogger, speaker and artist.

Dainis Graveris – (1stwebdesigner) is a web designer who runs www.1stwebdesigner.com.

Jason Walz – (jasonwalz) is Milwaukee based web designer.

Jeff Croft – (jcroft) is a Seattle based web designer/developer who has also authored books.

John O’Nolan – (JohnONolan) is a UK based web designer who regularly blogs on many different sites.

Jon Phillips – (jophillips) is a web designer who runs Sprye Studios.

Liam McKay – (liammckay) is a UK based web designer who is currently working on WPBundle.

Mark Jardine – (markjardine) is a San Jose based who designer who works for Tapbots.

Marko Prljic – (markoprljic) is a croatian based web designer who founded Twinkle Tap.

Meagan Fisher – (meaganfisher) is a Salem based web designer who works at SimpleBits.

Mike Lane – (mlane) is a Minneapolis based UX designer.

Ronald Bien – (naldzgraphics) is a Philippines based graphic designer and also founder of Naldz Graphics.

Nishan Joomun – (nishanjoomun) is a Montreal based web designer.

nourayehia – (nourayehia) is web designer who also founded Noupe and Bundle Hunt

David Perel – (obox) is a South Africa based web designer and co-founder of Obox.

Amélie Husson – (othella) is a web designer from France but currently based in Germany.

http://www.twitter.com/paddydonnelly is an Irish web designer currently based in Belgium.

Rob Hawkes – (robhawkes) is a UK based web developer.

Rogie – (rogieking) is a Montant based web designer and founder of Komodomedia.

Veronica Domeier – (ronicadesign) is a San Antonio based freelance web designer.

Sarah Parmenter – (sazzy) is a UK based web designer and founder of You Know Who.

Thomas Ulbricht – (sharebrain) is a web deigner based in Germany, he also founded Sharebrain.

Jacob Gube – (sixrevisions) is a web developer/designer, he also founded Six Revisions and co-founded Design Instruct.

Luca Soffici – (Soffici) is an Italy based web & graphic designer.

Tom Kenny – (tkenny) is a UK based web designer/developer and he founded Inspect Element.

Tony Chester – (tonychester) is a web designer from Cary and owner of OnWired.

Umut Muhaddisoglu – (umutm) is a web developer and blogger from Turkey.

This list was just a small section of the web design community there are 100’s if not 1000’s of more designers worth following so feel free to leave a comment with a link to your link twitter profile if you think your worth following!

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