20 Vectores listos para San Valentín

free vectors graphics - Breaking Heart with the Dart

Ya queda menos para la llegada de San Valentín, el mítico día de los enamorados que tanto juego da en el diseño con artworks conmemorativos y muchos otros trabajos realizados en todo el mundo.

Si tu te quieres sumar a la fiesta en esta entrada te vamos a dejar algo de material que te vendrá de lujo, y no será lo último que pongamos ya que hasta el día 14 vamos a seguir llenando el blog de esta temática.

Van todos los vectores tras el salto, listos para que los reviséis a ver si os gustan.

Fuente | Graphic Fetish

Dinner for Two http://vector4free.com/vectors/id/197

free vectors graphics - Dinner For 2

Rose Heart-Shaped http://www.hdvector.com/Holidays/Rose-Heart-shaped-vector.html

Couple Necklace http://www.hdvector.com/Holidays/Couple-necklace-vector.html

Happy Valentine’s Day http://dryicons.com/free-graphics/preview/happy-valentines-day/

Happy Valentines Day Vector Graphic

Abstract Valentine’s Day http://www.thevectorart.com/abstract-valentines-day-vector-art-807.html

Abstract Valentine's Day Vector Art

Heart Valentine’s Day http://www.freevectorsdaily.com/heart-valentines-day-vector/

Heart Valentines Day Vector

20 Heart/Valentine Brushes http://www.brushking.eu/474/20-heart-valentine-brushes.html

Brush preview

Couples Love http://filevector.com/couples-love-valentine-vector.html

Winged Heart http://www.freevector.com/winged-heart-vector/

Valentine’s Vector Heart http://www.vectorpile.com/vector/free-valentines-vector-heart/

Velentine's Vector Graphic Design

Valentine’s Day Couple http://www.vectoropenstock.com/3000-Valentines-Day-Couple-vector

Valentines Day Couple Free Vectors

Abstract Red Tulips http://www.flowervector.com/abstract-red-tulips-vector-illustration-639.html

Abstract Red Tulips Vector Illustration

Free Vector Flowers http://www.nerdtreasure.com/vector-flower-free-vector-flowers-for-valentine-designs/


Happy Valentine’s Day Greeting Card Vector http://www.webdesignhot.com/free-vector-graphics/happy-valentines-day-greeting-card-vector/

Happy Valentine's Day Greeting Card Vector

Valentine’s Day Floral on Red Background http://www.webdesignhot.com/free-vector-graphics/valentines-day-floral-on-red-background/

Valentine's Day Floral on Red Background

Valentine’s Day Vector Collage http://www.vector-eps.com/index.php/2012/01/valentines-day-vector-collage/

Valentines day vector collage

Love Heart http://dryicons.com/free-graphics/preview/love-heart/

Love Heart Vector Graphic

Breaking Heart with the Dart http://vector4free.com/vectors/id/563

free vectors graphics - Breaking Heart with the Dart

Valentine http://vector4free.com/vectors/id/194

free vectors graphics - Valentine

Valentine Hearts http://vector4free.com/vectors/id/473

free vectors graphics - Valentine Hearts

Love Hearts Vector http://vectorgraphicsblog.com/free-vector-graphics/love-hearts-vector/

Romantic love elements vector http://vectorgraphicsblog.com/free-vector-graphics/romantic-love-elements-vector/

Tango Dancing http://free-vectors.com/tango-dancing/

Tango Dancing-free-vector-image

Valentine’s Day Full of Love http://www.florographics.com/2012/01/25/valentines-day-full-of-love-vector-pack/

prev 9 vector Valentines Day Full of Love Vector Pack

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