25 Fantásticos tutoriales sobre efectos de texto

Tron Legacy Tutorial

Los efectos de texto son sin duda alguna una de las técnicas más utilizadas en Photoshop, así que por ende también es de la que más recursos disponibles tenemos por la red.

En esta entrada tenemos la oportunidad de descubrir veinticinco magníficos tutoriales que nos enseñarán a modificar el texto como nunca antes lo habíamos hecho, logrando impresionar a cualquiera.

Os recomiendo coger los dos o tres que más os gusten y hacerlos, porque os enseñarán técnicas interesantes de verdad.

Fuente | Vandelay

Create a Chrome 4×4 Vehicle Emblem

Create a Chrome 4x4 Vehicle Emblem<

L.A. Noire Neon Style in Photoshop

L.A. Noire Neon Style in Photoshop

Photo Mosaic Text Effect in Photoshop

Photo Mosaic Text Effect in Photoshop

The Wheels Text Effect

The Wheels Text Effect

Colorful Retro Text Effect

Colorful Retro Text Effect

Creating Realistic 3D Text Using Photoshop’s Repousse

Creating Realistic 3D Text Using Photoshop's Repousse

How to Create a Chocolate Text Effect in Photoshop

How to Create a Chocolate Text Effect in Photoshop

Create Super Glossy 3D Typography in Illustrator and Photoshop

Create Super Glossy 3D Typography in Illustrator and Photoshop

Create Liquid Filled Glass Text in Photoshop

Create Liquid Filled Glass Text in Photoshop

Create Elegant, Glassy, 3D Typography in Photoshop and Illustrator

Create Elegant, Glassy, 3D Typography in Photoshop and Illustrator

Create Gold Ornamental Text in Photoshop

Create Gold Ornamental Text in Photoshop

Vintage 3D Typography in Photoshop with Repousse

Vintage 3D Typography in Photoshop with Repousse

Create Astonishing Nightclub Themed 3D Typography

Create Astonishing Nightclub Themed 3D Typography

Create Sparkling, Animated Text in Photoshop

Create Sparkling, Animated Text in Photoshop

Create Metallic Text on a Concrete Background

Create Metallic Text on a Concrete Background

Painted Snow Lettering Effect

Painted Snow Lettering Effect

Create a Scrapbook Alphabet

Create a Scrapbook Alphabet

Modern 3D Text Effect

Modern 3D Text Effect

Tron Legacy Tutorial

Tron Legacy Tutorial

Easy Casino Style Sign in Photoshop

Easy Casino Style Sign in Photoshop

Cool Text Effect with the Puppert Warp Tool in Photoshop CS5

Cool Text Effect with the Puppert Warp Tool in Photoshop CS5

Create a Realistic Folder Paper Text in Photoshop

Create a Realistic Folder Paper Text in Photoshop

Create a Dynamic Shattering Text Effect

Create A Dynamic Shattering Text Effect

Create Good Enough to Eat Typography

Creating Good Enough to Eat Typography

Create Retro Folded Typography Using Photoshop

Creating Retro Folded Typography Using Photoshop

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