35 Megaconstrucciones hechas con LEGO

lego eiffel tower

Que buenos recuerdos nos trae LEGO a todos los que de chicos hemos hecho todo tipo de construcciones…

LEGO es una empresa de juguetes danesa reconocida principalmente por sus bloques de plástico interconectables. El nombre LEGO fue adoptado por la compañía en 1934, formado por la frase del danés «leg godt», que significa «juega bien». Hasta 1949, LEGO se dedicó casi exclusivamente a producir juguetes de madera.

Tras el salto os dejo 35 megaconstrucciones hechas en LEGO con un nivel de detalle que roza lo abrumador, y es que es absolutamente increíble que se logren hacer cosas tan geniales como las que vais a ver a continuación con unas piezas de plástico interconectables.

Fuente | HongKiat

Kennedy Space Center
Occupying 1,506 square feet and made up of 750,000 lego bricks. This massive construction took more than 2,500 hours to build.

kennedy space centre2 35 Lego Mega Constructions You (Probably) Havent Seen Before

Church of Christ
A view from the balcony looking toward the chancel. There’s seating for an 80-member choir under the mosaics. The roof over the chancel and mosaic alcoves is glass.

church of Christ 35 Lego Mega Constructions You (Probably) Havent Seen Before

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Aircraft Carrier
Aircraft carrier lego model in minifig size by Harry S. Truman.

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aircraftCarrier 35 Lego Mega Constructions You (Probably) Havent Seen Before

Starship: OSS Pontbriand
Created by Jeff Pelletier, this flagship of Omicron Space center is created down to the every little bit of details; 270 stud ship, 105 crews each with a bunk, 4 levels of fully finished interior.

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flagship space 35 Lego Mega Constructions You (Probably) Havent Seen Before

LEGO Table
The table consists of 22,742 pieces clicked together with traditional lego construction techniques (no glue), a 136mm grommet is located in its centre. It sits on a polished Stainless Steel square hollow section structure built by B.A. Engineering of Prussia St and is topped with a 10mm sheet of toughened glass manufactured by Action Glass.

lego table 35 Lego Mega Constructions You (Probably) Havent Seen Before

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London Eye london eye 35 Lego Mega Constructions You (Probably) Havent Seen Before

Legoland Deutschland
Legoland park located in Gunzburg, Germany.
deutschland 35 Lego Mega Constructions You (Probably) Havent Seen Before

Crawler Town
This machine has several playable features include functional powered treads for movement , full suspension and front and rear steering. A true masterpiece.

crawler Town 35 Lego Mega Constructions You (Probably) Havent Seen Before

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LEGO Sport City
The LEGO Sport City display was built by the Hong Kong LEGO Users Group (HKLUG) to help promote the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing.

beijing olympic 2008 35 Lego Mega Constructions You (Probably) Havent Seen Before

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Lego Allianz
An amazing replica of Allianz Arena in Berlin using just Lego.

lego allianz

lego allianz

Mona Lego Mosaic
Mona Lego Mosaic, created with 30,000+ bricks. It’s 45+ pounds and 6 feet by 8 feet.

mona lego mosaic 35 Lego Mega Constructions You (Probably) Havent Seen Before

Full-Size Lego House
The world’s first full-size Lego house – including a working toilet, hot shower and a very uncomfortable bed – using 3.3million plastic bricks built by James May.

full size lego house 35 Lego Mega Constructions You (Probably) Havent Seen Before

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Lego Montmartre
Montmartre in London Legoland.

lego montmartre 35 Lego Mega Constructions You (Probably) Havent Seen Before

Lego Airport
This amazing Lego airport was showcased in LegoCity, at Senayan City, Indonesia.

lego airport

Lego Airbus A380
Made at a 1:25 scale-9.5-foot long, 10.5-foot wingspan, 3.2-foot tall—the Lego A380 uses 220 pounds (100kg) of bricks.

lego airbus a380 35 Lego Mega Constructions You (Probably) Havent Seen Before

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Giant T-rex
Giant T-rex created with little Lego pieces in Lego Imagination World 3.

giant t-rex

Lego Dragon
Lego dragon outside the Lego store at disneyworld in Florida.

lego dragon

lego dragon

Lego Obama Presidential Inauguration
A display depicting Barack Obama’s inauguration in Legoland California.

lego obama

lego obama

lego obama

Mt. Rushmore Replica
Nathan Sawaya created my rendition of the Gutzon Borglum’s most famous sculpture, otherwise known as Mt. Rushmore.

mt rushmore replica 35 Lego Mega Constructions You (Probably) Havent Seen Before

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Christ Statue
A 6-foot-tall statue of Jesus that had built out of 30,000 Lego blocks at a church in Vasteras, Sweden.

christ statue 35 Lego Mega Constructions You (Probably) Havent Seen Before

Queen Mary 2
The Queen Mary 2 in Legos.

queen mary

queen mary

queen mary

Nintendo DSi
This LEGO sculpture of the Nintendo DSi was on display at the Nintendo World Store at Rockefeller Center in New York City

nintendo 35 Lego Mega Constructions You (Probably) Havent Seen Before

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Engagement Portrait
A couple decided to commission a LEGO portrait based on an engagement photo that they had taken prior to their wedding.

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Yankee Stadium
Using over 45,000 LEGO bricks for a sculpture of Yankee Stadium. It is 6 feet wide and 5 feet long, built to an approximate scale of 1:150.

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Polar Bear
This Lego bear sculpture contains over 95,000 LEGO pieces and took over 1100 hours to construct together.

polar bear

polar bear

polar bear

Times Square
This model of Times Square is over 5 feet wide, 4 feet tall, and contains over 20,000 LEGO pieces. It took about 300 hours to build.

times square 35 Lego Mega Constructions You (Probably) Havent Seen Before

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Lego 2004 Volvo XC90
A replica of Volvo’s award-winning SUV, the Volvo XC90, was constructed of LEGO’s famous modeling bricks.




World’s tallest Lego Tower
The 94.3ft-high pirate ship mast was made with 465,000 bricks, breaking a previous record of 93.43ft set.

tallest tower

Lego Pharoah
The 16-foot (4.9-meter) replica of an Egyptian king is the biggest Lego structure ever created, with 200,000 individual pieces and a weight of more than one ton.

lego pharoah 35 Lego Mega Constructions You (Probably) Havent Seen Before

Micro Mythicos Micropolis
A Mmicro Mythicos Micropolis was in a display case at Legoland, San Diego.

Micro Mythicos Micropolis 35 Lego Mega Constructions You (Probably) Havent Seen Before

Legotown 2010

lego town

Lego Eiffel Tower
Lego Eiffel Tower in Legoland.

lego eiffel tower

Lego Statute of Liberty

lego statue of liberty 35 Lego Mega Constructions You (Probably) Havent Seen Before

Lego Panda

lego panda 35 Lego Mega Constructions You (Probably) Havent Seen Before

Lego Octopus Stained Glass
This project killed most of 1×1 black brick, 1×2 trans blue brick, and all of 1×1 neon-green cylinders.

lego octopus 35 Lego Mega Constructions You (Probably) Havent Seen Before

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      Julia dijo

    ¡Hola! Soy Julia , ¡como molan las construcciones de lego! Jolín , y pienso , para hacer todo eso hay que tener una paciencia infinita… Bueno ,vamos que ¡ me encanta!

      Enrique Tenorio Fuentes dijo

    ENRIQUE Francamente todas son obras maestras, LEGO es una empresa y un producto que me tiene maravillado y soy megafan incluso mi maqueta cuenta con mas o menos 900.000 piezas, los felicito de todo corazón, gracias.