39 Logos creativos con mensajes ocultos

Diseñar un logotipo es muy complicado pero hacer uno que deje a la gente con la boca realmente abierta y con cara de sorpresa es más complicado todavía, aunque os puedo asegurar que muchos de estos cincuenta lo consiguen.

Todos tienen en común que más allá de transmitirnos algo por una marca o por un servicio además llevan un mensaje subliminal o un segundo significado que se les ve rapidísimo y que es lo que sorprende.

Tras el salto.

Fuente | 1stwebdesigner

1. Aqua Style

Logo made for Car wash service.

2. Baby Online

Logo for a internet portal about baby’s and stuff.

3. Olivier

Logo made for cafe.

4. Colourfly

5. Lovers Can Be Choosers

This logo was created for an online dating site.

6. Mailattack

Logo that looks like a shark.


Logo for a design consultancy.

8. The web doctor

Logo design for a website design and update service.


These discs look like owl for this and the name is wisemusic.

10. Kid Shop

Logo for online shop, place for designers, that make some products for kids.

11. Rock’n History

12. Love Canada

13. Eyesearch

14. Building

It’s about building of word “building”.

15. Foodball

16. Master Of Code

Web development company.

17. Passenger Productions alt

Passenger is a creative company that employs various media to deliver well-crafted stories for business, advocacy and entertainment.

18. I love poker

Mark for online poker site.

19. The 4 T’s

Logo for a local non-profit group.

20. LongtermParking

21. Flexon

Logo for contest (sport club). Win 1 place.

22. Info Plaza

Logo for an online book store.

23. Noname

24. Epen

Electronic Pencil.

25. The fish house

Fish restaurant/takeaway. Like a posh chippy that sells many types of fish.

26. Ishare

File sharing software.

27. Bikelove

28. Happiness For Life

Logo for dating agency.

29. Hotel Films

This was just an idea, after another logo went sour, it turned into this.

30. The Fast Finder

This is for a Yellow Pages / Google type website.

31. A lovely note

Mark for wedding vocalist. The middle connection forms a Uvula (The piece of skin that hangs down in the back of your throat).

32. Anyway

Proof of concept for business in development phase for mapping and way finding products

33. Nive Yoga Studios

Mark for a new chain of yoga studios in the GTA.

34. Creative Solution

Logo Creative Solution.

35. NO:TI:ME

36. Dog Care Veterinary

Hands placed top and bottom and a dog image formed at the negative space.

37. Voltacon

Voltacon Alternative current (worldwide abbreviated as AC) company.

38. Smart-Fishing

Logo made for fish internet shop.

39. Snake

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