25 Tutorials de Photoshop per dissenyar fons abstractes

Abstract Lighting Effects

Molta gent quan veu un fons abstracte tendeix a pensar que és molt fàcil de dissenyar perquè és posar coses sense gaire sentit i ja està, Sense una lògica aparent i sense pensar massa, però no és així.

És una cosa molt més complex, ja que dissenyar un fons abstracte de qualitat -un dolent ho fa qualsevol- és un procés que requereix temps, un estudi dels colors a utilitzar i sobretot crear un ambient propici en el mateix.

Després del salt queden 25 tutorials per aconseguir-ho, i són fantàstics.

font | Vandelaydesign

Crea Abstract Colorful Balls Illustrations in Photoshop CS5

Crea Abstract Colorful Balls Illustrations in Photoshop CS5

How to Create Abstract Colorful Background with Bokeh Effect in Photoshop

How to Create Abstract Colorful Background with Bokeh Effect in Photoshop

Blend Tool backgrounds (vídeo)

Blend Tool backgrounds (vídeo)

Create Electrifying Light Effects Around an Image

Create Electrifying Light Effects Around an Image

Chroma Wallpapers

Chroma Wallpapers

Quickly Build an Abstract Background of Colored Bars

Quickly Build an Abstract Background of Colored Bars

Digital Star Effect

Digital Star Effect

Stripy Abstract Wallpaper in Photoshop

Stripy Abstract Wallpaper in Photoshop

Creating a Mac-Type Background in Photoshop

Creating a Mac-Type Background in Photoshop

Abstract Lighting Effects

Abstract Lighting Effects

How to Create an Abstract Colorful Rainbow Background

How to Create an Abstract Colorful Rainbow Background

Lines Tutorial

Lines Tutorial

Creating Colorful Disc Lines Effect

Creating Colorful Disc Lines Effect

Aurora Borealis - North-South Polar Lights

Aurora Borealis - North-South Polar Lights

Design Eye-Catching Laser Particle Abstract Effect in Photoshop

Design Eye-Catching Laser Particle Abstract Effect in Photoshop

Hexagon Bokeh Effect in Photoshop

Hexagon Bokeh Effect in Photoshop

Really Cool Eclipsi Effect in Photoshop

Really Cool Eclipsi Effect in Photoshop

Crea't a Carbon Mesh Background in Photoshop

Crea't a Carbon Mesh Background in Photoshop

Design a Vista Styled Wallpaper

Design a Vista Styled Wallpaper

Windows Vista Aurora Effect Photoshop Tutorial

Windows Vista Aurora Effect Photoshop Tutorial

Creating an Abstract Background for Poster

Creating an Abstract Background for Poster

Crea't a Futuristic Abstract Wallpaper

Crea't a Futuristic Abstract Wallpaper

Creating a Stunning Digital Smoke Effect

Creating a Stunning Digital Smoke Effect

How to Create Vibrant Lighting Effects from Scratch

How to Create Vibrant Lighting Effects from Scratch

How to Create Brilliant Light Streaks in Photoshop

How to Create Brilliant Light Streaks in Photoshop

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