25 Tutorials per crear fons en Photoshop

Hexagon Bokeh Effect in Photoshop

Els fons poden ser usats per a múltiples propòsits com pàgines web o dissenys promocionals, però el que hem de tenir clar és que sempre són presents i per això cal saber manejar la seva creació.

Potser el major problema dels fons és que hi ha de molts tipus diferents, així que el meu consell és que us concentreu en dominar unes quantes tècniques sense voler abastar molt terreny, ja que arribar a tots els llocs és complicat i més aquí.

La meva proposta per tant és que agafeu cinc o sis tutorials dels vint que us deixo i els feu quan tingueu temps. Són molt bons, de veritat.

font | Vandelay

Create Bright Abstract Diagonal Lines Background

Create Bright Abstract Diagonal Lines Background

Creating Unique Grunge Patterns for Your Website Backgrounds

Creating Unique Grunge Patterns for Your Website Backgrounds

Awesome Digital Bokeh Effect in Photoshop

Awesome Digital Bokeh Effect in Photoshop

Crea't a Wavy Blackberry Style Wallpaper Design

Crea't a Wavy Blackberry Style Wallpaper Design

Creating a Mac-Type Background in Photoshop

Creating a Mac-Type Background in Photoshop

Abstract Lines Background

Abstract Lines Background

Calculations and Colorization

Calculations and Colorization

Abstract Lighting Effects

Abstract Lighting Effects

Creating the New Retro

Creating the New Retro

Quick, Easy, and Scalable Photoshop Backgrounds

Quick, Easy, and Scalable Photoshop Backgrounds

Windows Vista Aurora Effect Photoshop Tutorial

Windows Vista Aurora Effect Photoshop Tutorial

Quickly Build an Abstract Background of Colored Bars

Quickly Build an Abstract Background of Colored Bars

Digital Star Effect

Digital Star Effect

How to Create an Abstract Kaleidoscope Poster

How to Create an Abstract Kaleidoscope Poster

Crea Abstract Colorful Balls Illustration in Photoshop

Crea Abstract Colorful Balls Illustration in Photoshop

How to Create Abstract Colorful Rainbow Background

How to Create Abstract Colorful Rainbow Background

How to Create Mosaic Effect in Photoshop

How to Create Mosaic Effect in Photoshop

Wave Texture Background

Wave Texture Background

Crea't a Light Burst Background

Crea't a Light Burst Background

Crea an Awesome Background Using Patterns

Crea an Awesome Background Using Patterns

Crea't a Wood Background in Photoshop

Crea't a Wood Background in Photoshop

Creating Smoke

Creating Smoke

Photoshopping Apple 's Aqua Wallpaper

Photoshopping Apple 's Aqua Wallpaper

Crea't a Retro Cosmic Design in Photoshop

Crea't a Retro Cosmic Design in Photoshop

Hexagon Bokeh Effect in Photoshop

Hexagon Bokeh Effect in Photoshop

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