Les icones grans són els meus favorits i són els que solem usar per aquí, ja que a l'haver resolucions altíssimes ens donen la possibilitat d'usar-los en múltiples situacions sense preocupar-nos de la resolució i de com es veuran, però les icones petits també tenen cabuda en el disseny web.
Per a aquestes aplicacions web i pàgines que no requereixen icones de grans dimensions hi ha els «Mini Icon Sets», Que destaquen per contenir moltes icones de mida reduïda per accions comunes en un disseny.
Tots després del salt, cinquanta tros de sets per descarregar.
font | Hongkiat
Simple & Bold Social Media Icons | Adii Rockstar
This simple mini icon setembre includes 15 separate icons, 16 × 16 píxels in size. All icons are available in juny default color schemes, in PNG format.
WooFunction | Adii Rockstar
Set of amazing 178 mini icons. All icons are available in 32 × 32 píxels PNG file type.
Free web development icons # 2 | Khodjaev Stanislav (Kurumizawa)
A set of 32 mini 16 × 16 píxels icons. Disponible in ICO, ICNS, TIF, PNG file types.
Free web development icons # 3 | Zhebrakov Andrew (Andy-S)
26 mini icons. Disponible size in 16 × 16 píxels siz. Disponible in PNG, ICO, TIF, GIF, BMP file types.
bwpx.icns | Paul Armstrong
259 icons in black and white. Disponible in GIF format, 18 × 18 píxels in size.
Free hand pointer icons | Khodjaev Stanislav (Kurumizawa)
A free icon set of 36 hand pointer icons. Icons avaialable in 6 different types with juny default color variants. Disponible in PNG and PSD formats.
Pixelat | Brian Purkiss
This icon setembre includes 21 icons in both light and dark versió. File type: GIF.
Web Control Icons | Marko Vidberg
These 16 × 16, 24 × 24 and 32 × 32 píxels icons are available in grey, blue, green and xarxa colors. Disponible file types are GIF and PNG.
Kleines Weblog Iconset | Manuela Hoffmann
Cool Bland and white 13 × 15 píxels icons. Disponible in GIF.
Sanscons | PJ Onori
CSS friendly icons menja in various sizes: 8 × 8, 12 × 12, 16 × 16, 32 × 32 and 64 × 64 píxels. This iconset menges in GIF and PNG formats.
Icònic | PJ Onori
Beautiful black and white icon set. Disponible in 5 different sizes: 8 × 8, 12 × 12, 16 × 16, 24 × 24 and 32 × 32 píxels. This icon setembre menges in these formats: PNG, SVG, SWC and OmniGraffle stencil formats.
Xiao Icon | Delacre
72 icons are available in PNG format.
Micons - Kostenlose Icons | Bjorn Seibert
Great looking black and white icons. Icon setembre is separated in 9 parts.
PI Diagonal Pixel Icons | Yusuke Kamiyamane
This icon setembre consists of 400 icons in PNG format. Disponible in 10 × 10 and 16 × 16 píxels sizes.
Chalkwork Payments | Dave Shea
Icon setembre for comerç electrònic llocs web. Consists of 21 original icons and 105 variations. Disponible flie types are PNG, TIF, GIF, BMP, Windows ICO, and Mac ICNS.
Web Mini - Part 1 | Axialis Programari
237 icons for your website. These icons are 16 × 16 píxels in size. Disponible in PNG, GIF or ICO file types.
Web 2.0 Basic Mini | Axialis Programari
This icon setembre contains a total of 516 icons. Disponible in size 16 × 16 píxels and in PNG, GIF or ICO file types.
Minimal icons 1.8.6 | sryo
Minimalistic icon setembre where each icon facis servir the least possible number of colors.
Feedicons 2 | Kuswanto
Awesome icons, mainly for RSS feeds.
Web 2.0 RSS icons | kurumizawa
28 cool RSS icons. Disponible in 32 × 32 and 16 × 16 píxels sizes. These icons are available in ICO, ICNS, TIF, PNG and PSD file types.
BacktoPixel | Zhebrakov Andrew (Andy-S)
Very cool 75 oldschool-style icons which are available in 9 × 9, 18 × 18, 28 × 28 píxels sizes and PNG, GIF file types.
Sonata mini icons | Eurycide
138 mini icons, available in 16 × 16 píxels gran, PSD and PNG file types.
Free Mini Calendari Icons setembre | AUTHOR
Cool icons for a calendar. All icons menja in 20 × 25 píxels. Disponible file types are GIF and PNG.
IPhone Style Sidebar Icons | Susumu Yoshida
Very good looking icon set. All 93 icons are available in PNG and their size is 16 × 16 píxels.
Glyphish Icons For IPhone Applications | Joseph Wain
130 mini icons for iPhone applications. Icons are available in PNG file type.
Emotion Icons for WordPress | David Lanham
Here is a set of emotion icons for WordPress. Icons are in PNG file type.
Free Farm-Fresh Web Icons | Samantha Evans
A set of 1000 icons. Disponible in two sizes: 16 × 16 and 32 × 32 píxels. File types for these icons are ICO, PNG, GIF, DMG.
Led Icon setembre | Alexandra Bolshova
16 × 16 píxels icons, available in PNG format.
2? 553 small icons | Pinvoke
A big list of more than 2500 icons. These icons are 16 × 16 píxels in size and are available in PNG format.
ASP.NET icons | aspneticons
More than 300 professionally designed icons for ASP.NET applications.
Gallery 2 Icons | Paul Armstrong
Over 100 icons, available in GIF, PICT and TIFF formats.
One piece Emotions | kirozeng
A set of 19 emoticon icons in GIF. Disponible size is 19 × 19 píxels.
ExplodingBoy Pixel Icons | Christopher Ware
Cool set of 31 icons. Disponible in four different color sets - blue, pale blue, orange, and grey. File type: GIF.
Milk and Green | strawbee
16 mini icons which are available in PNG format.
GraphicPUSH Iconpack 1 | Kevin Potts
A set of 14 icons. Disponible in size of 16 × 16 píxels and GIF format.
GraphicPUSH Iconpack 2 | Kevin Potts
A set of mini icons containing 17 icons in size of 24 × 24 píxels and in GIF format.
Pixeley | Kevin Wetzels
A set of 30 PNG and GIF icons in black and white.
XML and RSS Icons | Kevin Potts
20 icons for XML and RSS. Disponible in GIF.
I Love Favorite Icon | IconDock
Very cool set of "I love ..." icons. This setembre contains 27 icons in GIF and ICO formats. Size of these icons is 16 × 16 píxels.
a0x set5 | a0x
A set of mini icons for xat clients, available in DLL and PNG file types.
Web Symbols | Michal
Two sets of icons available - icons with glow and sharpened icons. Icons are available in PNG format.
Tiny Icon Factory | Luis & Brent
Very big collection of cool mini icons in black and white. You can also create and save your own icon.
fugue Icons | Yusuke Kamiyamane
2? 757 icons in size of 16 × 16 píxels. Disponible in PNG format.
Banderes del món | Michal
Icon setembre contains country flags. Disponible in size of 18 × 12 píxels. File type: GIF.
Computer Micro Stock | Michal
Set of black and white computer mini icons. Icons are in 10 × 10 píxels size. Disponible in PNG format.
300 images from 1800 sites | ro London
Here you can find many mini icons es arrows, posts, comments, mail, bullets, print, carts and bags.
Minimum Icon setembre | Kemie Guaida
Icon setembre for Windows containing folders, drives and basic file types.
Mini Ecommerce and Shopping Icon Collection | Primail.ch
A set of icons for comerç electrònic llocs web. These icons are available in GIF format.
Mini icon vector packs | Freshpixel
Free mini icons in Scalable vector format.