25 Tutoriales con los que aprender a diseñar personajes

Create the Face of a Grumpy Bear

El diseño de personajes es algo para lo que es complicado ser bueno, y yo soy además de los que pienso que hay que tener un talento especial para ello, pero eso no quita que muchos no sepan que disponen de dicho talento.

Si crees que puedes tener el talento necesario pero que está oculto puede que este sea el momento de seguir uno de los muchos tutoriales que os presento a continuación. Se trata de tutoriales relativamente sencillos pero que al final dan un resultado bastante interesante, por lo que os recomiendo echarles al menos un ojo

Fuente | Vandelay

Create a Cool Vector Panda Character in Illustrator

Create a Cool Vector Panda Character in Illustrator

Create a “Minion” Character from the Despicable Me Movie

Create a

Draw a Pirate Character in Photoshop

Draw a Pirate Character in Photoshop

Create a Textured Female Robot in Photoshop

Create a Textured Female Robot in Photoshop

How to Create a Fun, Red-Haired Boy

How to Create a Fun, Red-Haired Boy

Milk Monster and Chocolate Splash

Milk Monster and Chocolate Splash

How to Create a Vector Soldier Character in Illustrator

How to Create a Vector Soldier Character in Illustrator

Create a Cute Vector Reindeer Character in Illustrator

Create a Cute Vector Reindeer Character in Illustrator

Create a Simple Mechanic Character in Illustrator

Create a Simple Mechanic Character in Illustrator

Create an Elegant Patterned Vector Owl in Illustrator

Create an Elegant Patterned Vector Owl in Illustrator

How to Draw a Cute Vector Dog Character in Illustrator

How to Draw a Cute Vector Dog Character in Illustrator

Draw a Character Concept Using Drapery in Photoshop

Draw a Character Concept Using Drapery in Photoshop

Create a Cool Vector Yeti Character in Illustrator

Create a Cool Vector Yeti Character in Illustrator

How to Create a Cute Gooey Blob from Scratch in Photoshop

How to Create a Cute Gooey Blob from Scratch in Photoshop

Character Design for the Boomrock Saints

Character Design for the Boomrock Saints

How to Create Vector Mascot Characters Using a Graphic Tablet

How to Create Vector Mascot Characters Using a Graphic Tablet

How to Create a Stinking Zombie Flesh-Eater in Illustrator

How to Create a Stinking Zombie Flesh-Eater in Illustrator

Create a Simple Character Face with Vector Shapes

Create a Simple Character Face with Vector Shapes

How to Make an Animated Paper Robot

How to Make an Animated Paper Robot

How to Design a Cheeky Koala Mascot Head

How to Design a Cheeky Koala Mascot Head

Create a Dirty Water Drop Character

Create a Dirty Water Drop Character

Create a Happy Sun Character

Create a Happy Sun Character

Create the Face of a Greedy Monkey

Create the Face of a Greedy Monkey

Create the Face of a Grumpy Bear

Create the Face of a Grumpy Bear

Create a Simple Penguin Character

Create a Simple Penguin Character

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