30 ejemplos de trabajos increíbles de tipografía

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Siempre os digo que utilizar una buena fuente es muy importante a la hora de diseñar, pero hay una cosa también muy importante: utilizarla rodeada de los elementos adecuados y con los efectos que resalten sus virtudes.

Eso es lo que os muestro en esta recopilación que os dejo tras el salto, 30 ejemplos espectaculares de como trabajar correctamente con una fuente y como darle ciertos efectos para que nos quede un conjunto simplemente bello.

Lo dicho, tras el salto está todo.

Fuente | Designm.ag

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

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