40 Tutoriales de Cinema 4D

Create an Abstract Armored Sphere Scene in Cinema 4D

Casi siempre hablamos de Photoshop o de Illustrator, pero Cinema 4D es un programa interesantísimo que nos da unas posibilidades increíbles.

Permite modelado (primitivas, splinespolígonos), texturizaciónanimación. Sus principales virtudes son una muy alta velocidad derenderización, una interfaz altamente personalizable y flexible, y una curva de aprendizaje (comparado con otros programas de prestaciones profesionales similares) muy vertical; en poco tiempo se aprende mucho.

Una de las características más destacadas de Cinema 4D es la modularidad.

Tras el salto cuarenta tutoriales para aprender Cinema 4D y realizar cosas increíblemente sorprendentes.

Fuente | VandelayDesign

3D Text in Cinema 4D

3D Text in Cinema 4D

Create a Detailed Zune HD MP3 in Cinema 4D Day 1 and Day 2

Create a Detailed Zune HD MP3 in Cinema 4D Day 1

Metaball Tutorial in Cinema 4D

Metaball Tutorial in Cinema 4D

Seamlessly Blend 3D Typography with a Photo Using Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Seamlessly Blend 3D Typography with a Photo Using Cinema 4D and Photoshop

iPod Video Tutorial

iPod Video Tutorial

Exploding Font

Exploding Font

Create HDRI in Cinema 4D

Create HDRI in Cinema 4D

Create an Abstract Armored Sphere Scene in Cinema 4D

Create an Abstract Armored Sphere Scene in Cinema 4D

An Introduction to Xpresso in Cinema 4D

An Introduction to Xpresso in Cinema 4D

Create Amazingly Realistic Renders Using Advanced Render in Cinema 4D

Create Amazingly Realistic Renders Using Advanced Render in Cinema 4D

Create a Jumping Lamp Animation in C4D Day 1 and Day 2

Create a Jumping Lamp Animation in C4D Day 1

Using Depth of Field with VRay in Cinema 4D

Using Depth of Field with VRay in Cinema 4D

Create an Abstract Disco Ball Scene with Cinema 4D

Create an Abstract Disco Ball Scene with Cinema 4D

Modelling and Rendering a Pillow in C4D

Modelling and Rendering a Pillow in C4D

Stylish Lighting in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Stylish Lighting in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Incredibly Realistic Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Incredibly Realistic Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Creepy Ghost in Photoshop and Cinema 4D

Creepy Ghost in Photoshop and Cinema 4D

Bulb Modeling Tutorial

Bulb Modeling Tutorial

Door Type Effect

Door Type Effect

Planet Tutorial

Planet Tutorial

Modeling a 3D Zebra

Modeling a 3D Zebra

Creating a Car Tire

Creating a Car Tire

Apple Pro Speaker Cinema 4D Tutorial

Apple Pro Speaker Cinema 4D Tutorial

Ironman 2 Texturing Titles

Ironman 2 Texturing Titles

Transformers Titles in Cinema 4D

Transformers Titles in Cinema 4D

How to Export Your Scene from Cinema 4D to After Effects

How to Export Your Scene from Cinema 4D to After Effects

How to Make the Infinite Floor Look in Cinema 4D

How to Make the Infinite Floor Look in Cinema 4D

How to Use Sub Polygon Displacement in Cinema 4D

How to Use Sub Polygon Displacement in Cinema 4D

How to Make a Simple Spin Logo Animation with Cinema 4D

How to Make a Simple Spin Logo Animation with Cinema 4D

Modeling a Car Using Blueprints

Modeling a Car Using Blueprints

3D Abstract Tentacle Tutorial

3D Abstract Tentacle Tutorial

How to Create Explosive Typographic Effects in Cinema 4D

How to Create Explosive Typographic Effects in Cinema 4D

How to Make a 3D Graffiti Piece

How to Make a 3D Graffiti Piece

Adding Bounce with Mograph

Adding Bounce with Mograph

Using Xrefs

Using Xrefs

Cloth and Hair in Cinema 4D

Cloth and Hair in Cinema 4D

Making a Glass and a Wine Bottle with CD4

Making a Glass and a Wine Bottle with CD4

Painting a Crate

Painting a Crate

Making an Hourglass

Making an Hourglass

Making of Portrait of a Silent Man

Making of Portrait of a Silent Man

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      Antoniussolanus dijo

    Hello, my name is antonio, am spanish, and first of all thank you for these tutos, they are very goods.i was interested in finding a tuto where modeling a human person  excuseme for my inglihs.

    thanks very much..

      Eneko_portu dijo

    geniales, gracias!