Aprovecho este post para resolver una duda que preguntasteis hace poco en los comentarios de un artículo:
¿Cuándo es un buen momento para empezar a diseñar completamente con HTML5?
Pues sinceramente, depende del target al que te dirijas. Si no tienes pensado que tus visitantes usen Internet Explorer (ej: página de software Mac) pues empieza ya mismo con HTML5, pero si necesitas que la gente con IE vea tu web será mejor que esperes…
Sobre la entrada, pues tras el salto 48 demos de HTML5 que son una pasada y que merecen ser vistas. Geniales es poco.
Fuente | HongKiat
audioburst Animation
A comfortable and fantastic animation created with HTML5’s canvas and audio tag.
Ball Pool
Being showcased in the last Google I/O event, this demo shows you how dynamic can HTML5 be.
Blob Sallad
A HTML5-spawned creature that would please you.
With Bomomo, you can observe different atomic movement simulated with HTML5.
Browser Ball
Get amazed with this ‘cross-browser’ HTML5 ball.
Have fun by create endless floating bubbles with different color.
Canvas Cartoon Animation
A simple and funny HTML5 cartoon that helps you to understand what HTML5’s canvas element can do.
A nice, customizable analog clock built by HTML5 and JavaScript.
Flickr PS3 Slideshow
View your Flickr’s photos with PS3 style slideshow in the web browser.
Interactive Polaroid
An interactive demo that works pretty similar to multi touch interface.
JS Fireworks
Enjoy the fireworks moment with your preferred gravity and speed, powered by HTML5 and Javascript.
A very beatiful and futuristic HTML5 kaleidoscope.
Liquid Particles
Sensitive particle animation that reacts based upon your mouse movement.
Another sensitive and outstanding HTML5 demo that shows how nearby elements react with you mouse movement.
Nebula Cloud
Get lost with this wondrous HTML5 nebula.
View all 2D shapes in parallel perspective.
Particle Animation
An elegant HTML5 particle animation that can form into your preferred message.
Get lost with this endless spread animation.
A very cool HTML5 starfield animation that would change direction and speed based on your mouse movement.
Video Destruction
One click to boom a playing video.
Observe how HTML5’s canvas wave moves by altering its amplitude, wavelength, width, etc.
3D Effect
Impressed by canvas animation? That’s more HTML5’s canvas element can do, and it’s called 3D effect. Developer can rely on canvas element, DOM and JavaScript to create 3D effect, which can later be developed into 3D animation or game.
Canvas3D and Flickr
Have a whole new 3D experience with Flickr’s photostream.
Cloth Simulation
A realistic, HTML5-based cloth simulation.
Evolving Monster
Observe a monster evolving into a complicated creature, one of its creator is HTML5.
Google Giftbox
Giant search engine Google is presented in 3D, playable view.
JS Touch
A high quality and realistic ‘3D on 2D Canvas’ showcase.
Data Presentation
While HTML5’s canvas element can be used to create animation and 3D effect, it can also be implemented to present mathematical data.
Gnuplot, a data plotting application in HTML5 version.
RGraph provides a wide range of data presentation like bar chart, progress bar and traditional radar chart.
Web Application
Ultimately, using all possibilities combined by HTML5 and other langauge, one can create interactive application or game that’s close to Flash application.
Witness the brother of Microsoft Paint comes into your web browser, and his father is HTML5.
A scientific application which is built to help you to understand certain earth element’s structure.
Cartoon Builder
Draw interesting cartoon image with this minimal and interactive cartoon builder.
Drag Anything Here
Drag anything you can drag in the demo to show details.
Gartic Sketch
An original HTML5 application that allows you to make some basic drawings that can be saved into different image format like jpeg or png.
Draw whatever you like and see how they react with simulated gravity.
A powerful HTML5 drawing application that enables you to draw and edit your image in the precise manner.
A web application that confirms geographical position of weather-related message acquired from Twitter, thus forming them into a canvas-based ’social weather’ map, quite trivial (as stated by author) but interesting.
You would never get bored if you can keep evading hundreds of HTML5 bullets in next second.
Rebound the ball to break all bricks.
Not quite a game, but it demonstrates how HTML5 can be used to develop First Person Shooting browser game.
Catch It
How many balls can you dodge to get your winning HTML5 square?
Chain Reaction
Chain the explosion to achieve the goal, don’t get addicted.
Play Tetris in 3D, top-down view.
Draw item to move the ball to the star, don’t forget about the gravity.
Jigsaw Puzzle
Click, rotate and drop puzzle pieces to solve this HTML5-based jigsaw puzzle.
Slide Puzzle
Slide to the victory, another HTML5 game that’s built to squeeze your mind juice.
Same Game
Remove certain group to get another group paired in same color and you would eventually be awarded a victory.
One of the most classic game brought back to life by HTML5.
Yet another Tetris game in pseudo-3D version.
A mi me encanta esta pagina…menos el primer juego. Te QuIeRo Fran =)
Chao un kiss a toooodooooooo el mundo
Increible, espectacular. No puedo creer lo mucho q ha avanzado el desarrollo para web!
No se porque le atribuyen estos recursos a HTML5, esto es puro Javascript, antes del auge de Flash, con el Javascript se podian hacer todas estas cosas, habia un estudio de Barcelona que hacia unos sitios que en la epoca me volaron la cabeza, todos en javascript, tanto que aprendi de ellos y diseñe un par con bolas que rebotaban y todo, los perdi por completo y aun lo lamento. No recuerdo el nombre del estudio era algo como you2 o 2you2 eso fue en el 98 mas o menos.
Joe Vega……se nota que no tienes ni puñetera idea de HTML5….lol
Es posible que no tenga ninguna puñetera idea de html5, es cierto, pero ustedes confunden el gallo con el gallinero y no diferencian un lenguaje de un entorno. Los desafío a que realicen algún ejemplo como los que están aquí sin usar Javascript, solo con html5, y entenderán lo que quise decir en el post que me borraron. Es mas, estuve viendo el código fuente de los ejemplos y hay varios que tranquilamente se pueden hacer sin necesidad de montarlo sobre html5.
Que html5 trae muchisimas mejoras y cosas que facilitan mucho es cierto, pero los laureles de lo fantastico que se muestra en esta pagina es Javascript.
Me interesa realizar presentaciones de este tipo…tenes algun tutorial o página con recursos??? gracias!!!