18 Alternatives a Lipsum.com

Lipsum.com és possiblement el servei online més famós per omplir contingut amb text, però hi ha moltes alternatives que poden ser igualment vàlides a l'hora de treballar o que poden ser-nos molt més útils.

Després del salt queden moltes de les millors alternatives, encara que possiblement alguna s'haurà quedat al tinter. Si coneixes alguna més pots posar-la en els comentaris.

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1. LoremIpsum.Net

LoremIpsum.Net is a petit i simple static lloc que proves i s decent sized passage sense generar. The site also provides an totes les majúscules versio of the text, as well as Traduccions, I un explicació of what this famous passage means.

What Sets it Apart: Very Simple. No Generator Needed.

2. Lorem-Ipsum.Info

The main site of lorem-ipsum.info contains general info as well as translations. They also have a generator that looks pretty nice. It lets you choose Lorem Ipsum in a different language and the amount of words / paragraphs that you want to generate.

What Sets it Apart: Generats text in different languages.

3. Malevole Text Generator

Aquesta és una text generator that makes real paragraphs, not lorem ipsum! I do not know what it fa make, but it readable English and provides pretty balanced text (graphically). Heu optat per crear 1 to 5 paragraphs.

What Sets it Apart: Creates dummy text that is in English.

4. Generador de Lorem Ipsum

This Lorem Ipsum Generator Creates HTML markup, as well as giving you dummy Text. Because of this it will help you perfect your web typography with added bi and p tags.

What Sets it Apart: Adds various different tags

5. jHTML-Ipsum

This is a jQuery plugin that will create HTML elements using Lorem Ipsum. It Dynamically Creates the text, so you do not have to end up Removing all of the Lorem Ipsum later. Helps figuri out how you will style your web type and CSS.

What Sets it Apart: 'Make your own' solution

6. WP Dummy Content

This is a WordPress plugin that generates dummy posts when developing and testing your WordPress theme! It also makes mentida titles, and múltiple length paragraphs. In one click you have an entire set of dummy content.

What Sets it Apart: Heu remogut all of the dummy data in one click.

7. Lorem Ipsum Generator - Chrome Extension

This is a Lorem Ipsum Generator for Chrome! It 's tregui simple and minimalist in design. You can choose the amount of words and paragraphs you want to generate.

What Sets it Apart: Còmode i fàcil d'utilitzar.

8. Greeking Machine

This 'Greeking Machine' generates dummy text in many different forms. Like the others, you can choose how much text you want to generate. There are also many languages ​​or forms to choose from, sota you are not just stuck with boring 'Lorem Ipsum'.

What Sets it Apart: Cool Languages ​​like, "The Matrix, and Hillbilly"

9. Lorem Ipsum 2.0

This generator is pretty cool! It 's' Community generated greeking ', which means that it takes text from community powered sites and presents it to you as dummy text for you to use. It gives you pretty random results, but at least it is not Lorem Ipsum!

What Sets it Apart: Fun to use and play around with.

10. Generador de text cec

This Blind Text Generator Creates dummy text in many different forms! You can choose Lorem Ipsum, Panagrams, The alphabet or other English passages. It 's tregui easy to use and gives you a bunch of options!

What Sets it Apart: Great if you'r tried of using Lorem Ipsum for your dummy text.

11. Generador de Lorem Ipsum

This is yet another Lorem Ipsum Generator. It gives you the option to get the text es a plain text file or HTML file, and to pick how long you want your passage.

What Sets it Apart: Many different options.

12. Sample WordPress Content

This is a .xml file which you can import into your WordPress bloc! It Creates dummy posts, comments, categories, tags, and pages as well as adds common styling elements such as blockquotes and lists.

What Sets it Apart: Saves lots of time!

13. HTML-Ipsum

HTML-Ipsum provides code snippets rather than just plain text. O course it features Lorem Ipsum, but it really és a great resource when designing webpages. They even have kitchen sink, which is the body of a webpage template with necessary code structure and dummy text!

What Sets it Apart: Very useful. One clic copy to clipboard.

14. Generador de Lorem Ipsum

This Lorem Ipsum Generator lets you pick out how many characters, words and sentences you want. It explains lorem ipsum i espectacles you translated passages.

What Sets it Apart: Lets you start with something other than 'Lorem ipsum dolor ...'

15. Generador d'imatges fictícies dinàmiques

The Dynamic Dummy Image Generator is Basically what the title says - a dummy image maker! It 's tregui useful when creating web layouts, even for creating dummy advertisements and such. This Lifehacker post explains it all tregui well!

What Sets it Apart: One of a kind and very useful!

16. Lorem Ipsum Paragraph

This is a code snippet at CSS-Tricks. It 'sa paragraph of Lorem Ipsum text. Simple. Just copy the paragraph and you'r on your way! No fuss inclòs.

What Sets it Apart: Not a Generator!

17. Lorem Ipsum Post Generator

Aquest és el Lorem Ipsum plugin for WordPress! Aquest plugin can be a salvavides when designing wordpress themes. It Creates dummy posts and comments that help test your styling elements.

What Sets it Apart: Conveniently accessible!

18. The Dummy Content File

This is another .xml file that you can import into WordPress! It Creates a lot of useful things like posts, pages, tags, categories and non-admin comments!

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  6. Drets: En qualsevol moment pots limitar, recuperar i esborrar la teva informació.

  1.   Marc va dir

    Saben, jo també tinc un bloc de recursos com el seu, a diferència que sòl postejar contingut nou, però el meu suggeriment és que al menys si volen mantenter les explicacions de cada lloc i en general de cada recurs que publiquen, haurien a el menys traduir , dic, jo també sac recursos d'aquestes pàgines en anglès però em prenc la molèstia en traduir o simplement llevar-perquè no es vegi tan literal que es van donar copy / paste.
    És un suggeriment constructiva :)


  2.   btg va dir

    Thanks for adding us with the blindtextgenerator :)
    i només want to remark: teniu la possibilitat de fer texts en català, russa, czech, frances, espanyol, italian, germànic i additional in next monts in turkish i hungarian.