22 generadors de gràfics en línia

línia chart generators

Alguna vegada t'has vist en la necessitat de generar algun tipus de gràfic i no tenies a mà la teva processador de textos o el teu programa per fer-ho? Doncs això ha deixat de ser un problema, i és que amb els generadors de gràfics online et pots oblidar d'això.

Cal partir de la base que un generador de gràfics és una utilitat que nosaltres mateixos podem fer-nos amb algun plugin per jQuery o MooTools, De manera que aquests serveis també valen d'inspiració per si voleu construir-vos el vostre propi.

Tots després del salt enllaçats amb les seves imatges corresponents, però això sí, en anglès (com gairebé tot, que hi farem).

font | Hongkiat

línia chart generators

In today 's post, we want to highlight some of the best web services that allow you to create various charts and graphs en línia on-the-fly. Most of them are easy to use and do not you ve ni worry about the design. Your output will be es good as what you see in the screen shots below. Full list after jump.

Rich Chart Live
Create enjoyable and captivating Flash Charts from your web browser.


DIY Chart
DIY (Do it yourself) Chart is a web-based, simple and powerful en línia tool to create serveis interactius charts and graphs from static or dynamic data which may be generated using any scripting language.


Online Chart Generator
The best online chart and graph generator tool, Generate amazing 3D graphs instantly in few seconds.


Chartle.net tears down the complexity of línia visualizations - offers simplicity, ubiquity and Interactivity línia chart generator.


ChartGo Allows users to create charts en línia quickly and simply paste your data in the chart data area and hit the create chart button.


Create A Graph
You can really make a detailed graph at Create A Graph and see how it might look, and then print, download, or email what you I'veu created.


Gràfics JS
JS Charts is a JavaScript chart generator that requires little or no coding. JS Charts Allows you to easily create charts in different templates like bar charts, peu charts or simple line graphs.


Peu Chart Tool
Peu Chart Tool Creates a peu charts based on the data you provide. All you have to do is to type your data and the name of the categories.


Piecolor is a tool that Creates peu chart with colors very easily.


Hohli Charts
Hohli Charts lets you Dynamically generate charts.


CSS Chart Generator
CSS Chart Generator generates your charts on the fly.


Google chart API and chart generator tool.


Chart Maker
Generator for the Chart Server API.


Google Chart Tools
The Google Chart Tools enable adding live charts to any web page.


amCharts Visual Editor
This editor Allows you to use amCharts es a web service. This means that all you need to do is to configure the chart and paste the generated HTML code to your HTML page.


Peu Chart Maker
This free tool outputs your peu chart es an image that you can save to your computer.


With your free account from ChartGizmo you can now create charts for your website, blog and social network profiles.


On Onlinecharttool.com you can design and share your own graphs online and for free.


OWTChart Generator
The OWTChart Generator is an online tool to be used to produeix charts. A GIF image of the chart that you specified will be displayed on the screen.


Highcharts is a charting library written in pure JavaScript, offering an easy way of adding serveis interactius charts to your web site or web application. Highcharts currently supports line, spline, àrea, areaspline, column, bar, peu and scatter chart types.


iCharts is a la Web-services company that makes data publishing and distribution simple.


Google Chart Generator
Crea't a Google chart in seconds!


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