30 exemples de treballs increïbles de tipografia

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Sempre us dic que fer servir una bona font és molt important a l'hora de dissenyar, però també hi ha una cosa molt important: utilitzar-la envoltada dels elements adequats i amb els efectes que en ressaltin les virtuts.

Això és el que us mostro en aquest recull que us deixo després del salt, 30 exemples espectaculars de com treballar correctament amb una font i com donar-li certs efectes perquè ens quedi un conjunt simplement bell.

El que s'ha dit, després del salt hi és tot.

font | Designm.ag

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

Showcase of Typography and Lighting Effects

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