50 Temes per Drupal 6

Ens solem centrar en WordPress quan parlem de CMS, però un dels més populars a Internet des de fa força temps és per Drupal, un genial Content Management System que seguirà donant guerra durant molt de temps.

drupal (pronunciació IPA: [Dru? p ???]) és un sistema de gestió de continguts modular multipropòsit i molt configurable que permet publicar articles, imatges, o altres arxius i serveis afegits com fòrums, enquestes, votacions, blogs i administració d'usuaris i permisos. Drupal és un sistema dinàmic: en lloc d'emmagatzemar els seus continguts en arxius estàtics en el sistema de fitxers de servidor de manera fixa, el contingut textual de les pàgines i altres configuracions són emmagatzemats en una base de dades i s'editen utilitzant un entorn Web.

Després del salt queden aquells cinquanta temes per a la versió 6, i és que encara que la 7 ja estigui disponible és encara poc popular en comparació amb la 6.

font | Hongkiat


Good looking Drupal theme. It has a nice underwater feeling. [Demo] [descarregar]

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Interesting piece of art. Background té big role in this theme. [Demo] [descarregar]

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This is very cool and great looking theme for Drupal s administration section. Everything looks clean and shiny and those icons look awesome. [Demo] [descarregar]

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Very stylish theme for a bloc. It has a cool looking left sidebar for entry dates and also very good looking navigation menu. Love the rounded corners. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

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Simple but beautiful Drupal theme with a nice header for your blog or portfoli. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

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Love the style of this theme. Aquest tema no és complicat, però has de great, simple design. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

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Great Drupal template for your bloc. It 's not complicated and also is not very simple. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

drupal Frankincense drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes


Very friendly website design. Good looking sky for the head and grass for the content. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

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Another great template for a bloc. Bright green color in the background looks awesome. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

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Great Drupal theme for a bloc. This header looks brilliant. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

fresh01 Scruffy drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes


This theme looks nice. There 'sa positive atmosphere inside this theme. [Demo] [descarregar]

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Great theme for a corporate website! [Demo] [descarregar]

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Beautiful theme for small and simple website. [Demo] [descarregar]

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Beautiful theme for a bloc or portfoli website! [Demo] [descarregar]

drupal abstract drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes

Tema Fusió

Clean and simple theme which looks great! [Manifestació] [descarregar]

top drupal themes fusiontheme drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes

A3 Atlantis

Very interesting theme. Could be good for a corporate website. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

drupal a3 atlantis drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes


Very well made and great looking theme for social networking site! [Manifestació] [descarregar]

drupal amandarodriguez orange drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes

Arclite Theme

Clean and simple theme which could be great for a bloc. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

topdrupalthemes arclite theme drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes

Fields 2009 template

Good looking theme for a corporate website. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

themes drupal fields 2009 template drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes

NonZeroRed DTB

Just a simple and good looking theme. Could be implemented for many types of websites. [Demo] [descarregar]

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Elements Theme

Interesting Drupal theme. Could look good for a portfoli website. [Demo] [descarregar]

70 32 72 elements theme drupal 241 theme web design 6 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 50 Themes

A Cold Day

Nice looking theme which has three color versions available. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

drupal a cold day drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes

Ebizon RedFire

If you want just a clean and simple website this is a theme you are looking for. [Demo] [descarregar]

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Acquia Marina

Cool theme for many types of website. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

drupal acquia marina drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes

24. Alek 2.0

Simple Drupal theme for a simple website. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

drupal Alek 2 0 drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes


If you would like that your website would look like Twitter than you have the best solution for you! [Demo] [descarregar]

webpp office on the twittish drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes

AD Redoable

Simple theme which would look great for a portfoli website. [Demo] [descarregar]

duplika ad redotable drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes

Austin Zen Sub Theme

If you want just a primera website without any flashy, shiny elements then this simple theme is for you. Zen theme is one of the best themes to use for a basis making your own theme. [Demo] [descarregar]

drupal austin zen sub theme drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes


Retro style theme for your classy website. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

drupal Retromania drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes


Very cozy theme which facis servir mostly warm colors. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

drupal Absynthe drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes


Elegant theme for your bloc. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

drupal deco drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes


Simple theme which looks very elegant. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

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No hi ha cap complicat tema per a beautiful background. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

drupal motion drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes


Drupal theme with great navigation menu. També has fet bright green speech bubbles per a headings on la right sidebar. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

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Great theme if you like dark colors. Aquest tema té abstract background. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

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Cool theme for those who love nature. Simple but beautiful design. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

drupal wilderness drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes


Very stylish theme which facis servir pink and bright blue color Mostly. Flower on the right side also looks great. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

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Aquest template looks great because of its cool looking header and bright yellow color. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

drupal naturescharm drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes


Stunning Drupal theme! Everything is so clean, very well made. Could be a great theme for your portfolio lloc web or a bloc. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

antsin blogbuzz drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes


Great looking theme! Just clean and shiny. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

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Beautiful cartoon-style Drupal theme. Great piece of art! [Manifestació] [descarregar]

drupal gardening drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes

Acquia Prosper

Clean, good looking theme for an comerç electrònic lloc web. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

drupal acquia prosper drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes


Drupal 6 theme with brilliant style. Check out the search box - nice! [Manifestació] [descarregar]

drupal mosaic drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes


Very elegant design. Header image looks brilliant! Background for navigation menu és in bright green color which looks good. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

drupal Numerology drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes


This is very interesting design. If you want a design for your blog which looks different to others then could be your choice. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

drupal Abrasive drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes


If you are a coffee lover then this theme would be suitable for you. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

drupal brewedcoffee drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes


Like the style of this design. It 's very simple but the header with its yellow color and shiny elements looks great. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

drupal oxidation drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes


Very simple and beautiful design which does not need anything else to be added. [Manifestació] [descarregar]

drupal interlude drupal 6 theme web design 50 Hand Picked Beautiful Drupal 6 Themes

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  1.   Ser cridat va dir

    Estan increïbles, gràcies

  2.   lucia va dir

    em sembla aquest web fantàstica, ja que ens facilita la feina de dissenys moltes gràcies a totes les persones que han que aquesta eina est a l'abast de totes / us.

    salutacions Lucia

  3.   Nicky va dir

    Molt boniques plantilles, en realitat estan genials