70 Espectaculars logos retro i vintage

clockwork 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration

Normalment tot el que veiem retro pel blog sol limitar-se a textures o anuncis, però en aquesta ocasió anem amb una mica més interessant des del meu punt de vista per la seva naturalesa: són els logotips.

HFa unes dècades la forma de dissenyar era lògicament diferent, i adaptar-nos a ella per fer un logotip retro no és senzill. En aquesta entrada podràs veure desenes de logotips dissenyats amb aire retro i vintage, tota una meravella per als teus ulls que et permetrà treure el màxim de les teves proper dissenys si concorden amb la temàtica.

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crocodilianpress 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



Gilford sons 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



thompson 70 Retro and Vintage Logos per Your Inspiration



Anns bbq 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



the writer vantage 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



h10 lounge 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



aero glide seven 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



west center 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



mews cat 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



the speakeasy 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



waldsterben 70 Retro and Vintage Logos per Your Inspiration



Interlocked 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



brew 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



fruit berry 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



throttle 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



amsterdam 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



sammys 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



pompous ass 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



upperkrust 70 Retro and Vintage Logos per Your Inspiration



tunecake1 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



palmetto 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



nerd85 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



brewerry on the hill 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



s continental 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



la boqveria 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



macarònia 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



l'amic 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



sage glen 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



vectips 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



Avionics 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



depozitul de papetarie 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



saragoni 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



Konstantinos 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



elegant custom tailor 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



south bay 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



seb clarke 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



matt kersley 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



giant leap 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



nice and ripe1 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



easy shift 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



Movemento 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



hope revolution 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



pint1 70 Retro and Vintage Logos per Your Inspiration



atomic wrangler 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



county line 70 Retro and Vintage Logos per Your Inspiration



quirck tools 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



pixelfly 70 Retro and Vintage Logos per Your Inspiration



ask saniq 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



studio 76 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



dopter 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



gohlins 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



turbo jet 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



happy hour 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



els quatre 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



clockwork 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



eatpizza 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



amplada marine 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



lesnezver 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



united states postal service 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



rounded 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



mia research 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



flavour fruits 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



Dockside 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



beers gears 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



metre 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



tiny big studio 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



bootcamp 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



paul Shalke 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



Parisian cafe 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration



wheatlys 70 Retro and Vintage Logos for Your Inspiration

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