70 Fons de pantalla per Dual Screen

Suposo que no seré l'únic d'aquí que treballa i fa servir l'ordinador amb una distribució de pantalles Dual Screen, Ja que per a molts de nosaltres és una cosa gairebé essencial a l'hora de treballar amb els ordinadors.

Però el que no és tan senzill és trobar fons de pantalla apropiats per utilitzar amb dues pantalles simultàniament, cosa que per sort anem a poder solucionar amb aquest recull.

Ni més ni menys que 70 fons de pantalla optimitzats per Dual Screen, després del salt.

1.Butterfly dual effect

Enjoying the sweet nectar on bright sunny day.

2.Pale orchid in dual screen

3.Bunch of roses

4.Spring Pink

5.Yellow in its Brightness


7.Majestic Sunset horizon

8.Bright Nature

9.West Coast

Goodbye for Today.


11. West Lake at Sunset

12.Yellow One

Animals i ocells

13.Tiger 's Look

14.Lizard on a Trunk

Enjoying the same color.


16.Where is my Predator?

17.Hey You

18.Three Brother Wolves

Happy in our friendship.

19.Stare of a Tiger

Pride of a tiger - Looks.


Relishing the warmth of nature.

21.White Tiger


23.Black Beauty

A rara combinació de natura s'hi varien colors en aquest black beauty.

24. Flamingos


Art Fantastic

Fantasy art és un estil i una gran relació amb fantasy fiction. Indeed fantasy art pictures are often intended to represent specific characters or scenes from works of fantasy literature. Les seves works created by amateur artists mai be called fan art.

26.The Big Reveal

27. Morning View

28. An Untem horse

29.a Dreamy Scene

30.Strange World

31.Hazy view

32.A Dreamy World in Wide Screen

33.Dreamy World

34.Back Draft

35.Wind Mill

36.Sunset over Moorea

37.All alone in this World

38.Blue Forest

39.To Nowhere

Fons de pantalla abstractes

Abstract wallpaper, non figurative wallpaper, nonobjective wallpaper, and nonrepresentational wallpaper are loosely related terms. They are similar, although perhaps not of identical meaning.Abstraction indicates a departure from reality in depiction of Imagery in art.

40. Samba de bolets

41.Dual monitor floral


43.14 the War

44.Splash of paint

Flow of paint es a wonderful painting.

45. Splash


47.Display of bright colors

48.Feeding Time

49.Plasmoid Neophile

50. Generator


52.Bokeh Remix

53.Apple i-pad

3D dual screen wallpapers

One important interesting wallpaper category és tres dimensionals (3D) desktop backgrounds.Here we bring our best.

54.Boy ​​& Butterfly

55. Disseny clàssic

56.Skull Cog

57.Water Colored


59.Six of a kind

60. Abstract Pink

61.Greatest Invention

62.RTX Wallapaper

63.Multi Display Nights


Made up of variety of parts or ingredients having a variety of characteristics, abilities, or Appearances.

64.Spawning sunflowers

65.Ghost view

66.Super Mario Galaxy

67.Crocket Xarxa Dual

68.Cat Wallpaper

69.Tropical isle

70. Yin i Yang

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