Descobreix 25 Tutorials de Matte Painting

Making of Urban

És possible que no conegueu de què va el Pintura mate, Però ja estic jo per explicar-vos com funciona l'assumpte: quan en una pel·lícula o en una sessió de fotografia (per dir dos exemples) és massa car anar a un lloc o reconstruir-ho, el que es fa és representar-lo amb fotorealisme per simular que aquest lloc és real.

En aquest recull teniu 25 tutorials magnífics per aconseguir una simulació perfecta d'entorns espectaculars que podrien passar per veritables si no sabéssim que estan fets amb Photoshop.

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Basic Principles of Digital Matte Painting

Basic Principles of Digital Matte Painting

Getting Started with Digital Matte Painting: Workflow, Techniques, and Walkthrough

Getting Started with Digital Matte Painting: Workflow, Techniques, and Walkthrough

Matte Painting 101: Meteor Impacts

Matte Painting 101: Meteor Impacts

Matte Painting 101: Basic Extraction and Composition Techniques

Matte Painting 101: Basic Extraction and Composition Techniques

Matte Painting 101: Basic Destruction Techniques

Matte Painting 101: Basic Destruction Techniques

Matte Painting 101: Lighting Fires

Matte Painting 101: Lighting Fires

Creating a Devastating Tidal Wave in Photoshop

Creating a Devastating Tidal Wave in Photoshop

Using Lighting, Atmospherics and Digital Illustration Techniques for Matte Painting

Using Lighting, Atmospherics and Digital Illustration Techniques for Matte Painting

Create an Incredible Avatar Inspired Matte Painting of Pandora

Create an Incredible Avatar Inspired Matte Painting of Pandora

Planet X Matte Painting in Photoshop

Planet X Matte Painting in Photoshop

How to Create an Amazing Futuristic Matte Painting in Photoshop

How to Create an Amazing Futuristic Matte Painting in Photoshop

London National History Museum Matte Painting

London National History Museum Matte Painting

Matte Painting Tutorial

Matte Painting Tutorial

Matte Painting: Making of Barbarossa

Matte Painting: Making of Barbarossa

Crea't a Distressed Surreal Cityscape

Crea't a Distressed Surreal Cityscape

Making of Renaissance

Making of Renaissance

Matte Painting Tutorial of Tajmahal Using Photoshop

Matte Painting Tutorial of Tajmahal Using Photoshop

Making of Urban

Making of Urban

The Making of The Declini of Babel Myth - Jacobsen War

The Making of The Declini of Babel Myth - Jacobsen War

Matte Painting: Cleòpatra Queen of Egypt

Matte Painting: Cleòpatra Queen of Egypt

Making of Distant Shores

Making of Distant Shores

Crea't a Post-Apocalyptic Matte Painting

Crea't a Post-Apocalyptic Matte Painting

Crea't a Realistic Panoramic Matte Painting in Photoshop

Crea't a Realistic Panoramic Matte Painting in Photoshop

Matte Painting - The Castle

Matte Painting - The Castle

The Making of Votussoloum Matte Painting

The Making of Votussoloum Matte Painting

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  1.   Ricapublicitat va dir

    wow! impressionants tutorials, sens dubte els provarem amb moltes ganes.

  2.   Roy Matarrita va dir

    Sens dubte el disseny gràfic és un món ple de fantasia ,, aquesta en la teva ment i quan aconsegueixes plasmar-la en algun lloc la tornes realitat perquè pots veure-la.

    Gràcies per tot això.

    Em motives a explorar-

    novament GRÀCIES ....