Color code

Color code

If you are a graphic designer, or have just ever gotten into an image editing program, you will have seen a box that allowed you to change the color, be it the paint bucket, the brush, the letters ... What may have made you curious is the fact that, when you choose a color, it appears a color code, know what it is?

If you have ever wondered what those letter or number codes mean, and you want to know more about it, then we help you understand the importance of the color code, why they reflect colors and other curious details.

What is the color code

What is the color code

We can define the color code as a chromatic range in which a web can be displayed. That is, the possibilities that exist, in a palette of about 216 colors, to determine how a website will look. This code can be based on three types of systems: RGB, HEX and HSL (the latter now deprecated).

Actually, what the color code is for is to serve as a universal code for all browsers in such a way that, with those codes, what is achieved is to reproduce the same tones, either in Internet Explores, in Firefox Mozilla, in Google Chrome…

Know that a computer is capable of distinguishing up to 16 million colors, so there are many possibilities to create a website or to modify images.

Types of color codes

As we have told you before, there are three types of systems:

  • RGB. It is the best known and is made up of three primary colors, red, blue and green, from which, through their combination, the rest of the colors are derived. As for its representation, it ranges from 0 to 255 and the code that appears is composed of three figures separated by commas and between parentheses.
  • hexadecimal. Used mostly in HTML and CSS. In this case, it is made up of both figures and letters that are arranged among themselves to obtain codes that determine the colors.
  • HSL. Already in disuse, it is based on using the hue, saturation and lightness when creating a color. It is determined by degrees and percentages (three figures separated by commas and in parentheses).

Why are codes important?

Why are codes important?

Now that you know what color coding is, its application is easy to understand, since It is used to determine what code is required for a particular color to display. This works, for example, on web pages. The HTML code is implicit if a website has a background of a certain color, if the font is red, yellow, green, blue ..., and many other uses.

Do you understand why it is important? For example, imagine you have a website with a red background. And you want to change it to a blank one. If you knew the code that determines the color red, using the search engine in the HTML code you would get the place where this color is reflected (linked to the background color) and you could change it quickly. But what if you don't have it? You should be looking until you find that section and test to see what code is close to what you want.

Therefore, the color code helps you speed up the work, as well as being able to use colors when designing a website, editing an image, etc.

List of colors and their code Hexadecimal and RGB

List of colors and their Hexadecimal and RGB code

To finish, we would like to leave you below a table in which you can find the majority of colors that exist together with their decimal code (RGB) and hexadecimal so that if at any time you need to change the code, you can do it easily without having to look for it in the color palette.

Label Decimal (R, G, B) Hexadecimal
aliceblue rgb (240, 248, 255) # F0F8FF
antiquewhite rgb (250, 235, 215) # FAEBD7
aqua rgb (0, 255, 255) #00FFFF
aquamarine rgb (127, 255, 212) # 7FFFD4
azure rgb (240, 255, 255) # F0FFFF
beige rgb (245, 245, 220) # F5F5DC
bisque rgb (255, 228, 196) # FFE4C4
black rgb (0, 0, 0) #000000
blanchedalmond rgb (255, 235, 205) #FFEBCD
Blue rgb (0, 0, 255) # 0000FF
blueviolet rgb (138, 43, 226) # 8A2BE2
brown rgb (165, 42, 42) # A52A2A
burlywood rgb (222, 184, 135) # DEB887
cadetblue rgb (95, 158, 160) # 5F9EA0
chartreuse rgb (127, 255, 0) # 7FFF00
chocolate rgb (210, 105, 30) # D2691E
coral rgb (255, 127, 80) # FF7F50
cornflowerblue rgb (100, 149, 237) # 6495ED
corn silk rgb (255, 248, 220) # FFF8DC
crimson rgb (220, 20, 60) # DC143C
cyan rgb (0, 255, 255) #00FFFF
darkblue rgb (0, 0, 139) #00008B
darkcyan rgb (0, 139, 139) # 008B8B
darkgoldenrod rgb (184, 134, 11) # B8860B
dark gray rgb (169, 169, 169) # A9A9A9
dark green rgb (0, 100, 0) #006400
dark gray rgb (169, 169, 169) # A9A9A9
darkkhaki rgb (189, 183, 107) # BDB76B
darkmagenta rgb (139, 0, 139) # 8B008B
darkolivegreen rgb (85, 107, 47) # 556B2F
darkorange rgb (255, 140, 0) # FF8C00
need rgb (153, 50, 204) #9932CC
dark red rgb (139, 0, 0) # 8B0000
darksalmon rgb (233, 150, 122) # E9967A
darkseagreen rgb (143, 188, 143) # 8FBC8F
darkslateblue rgb (72, 61, 139) # 483D8B
darkslategray rgb (47, 79, 79) # 2F4F4F
darkslategrey rgb (47, 79, 79) # 2F4F4F
darkturquoise rgb (0, 206, 209) # 00CED1
darkviolet rgb (148, 0, 211) #9400D3
deep pink rgb (255, 20, 147) # FF1493
deepskyblue rgb (0, 191, 255) # 00BFFF
dimgray rgb (105, 105, 105) #696969
dimgrey rgb (105, 105, 105) #696969
dodgerblue rgb (30, 144, 255) # 1E90FF
fire brick rgb (178, 34, 34) #B22222
floralwhite rgb (255, 250, 240) # FFFAF0
forest green rgb (34, 139, 34) # 228B22
fuchsia rgb (255, 0, 255) # FF00FF
gainsboro rgb (220, 220, 220) #DCDCDC
ghostwhite rgb (248, 248, 255) # F8F8FF
gold rgb (255, 215, 0) # FFD700
golden rod rgb (218, 165, 32) # DAA520
gray rgb (128, 128, 128) #808080
green rgb (0, 128, 0) #008000
greenyellow rgb (173, 255, 47) # ADFF2F
grey rgb (128, 128, 128) #808080
honeydew rgb (240, 255, 240) # F0FFF0
hotpink rgb (255, 105, 180) # FF69B4
indian red rgb (205, 92, 92) # CD5C5C
indigo rgb (75, 0, 130) # 4B0082
ivory rgb (255, 255, 240) # FFFFF0
khaki rgb (240, 230, 140) # F0E68C
lavender rgb (230, 230, 250) # E6E6FA
lavender blush rgb (255, 240, 245) # FFF0F5
lawngreen rgb (124, 252, 0) # 7CFC00
lemonrag rgb (255, 250, 205) #FFFACD
light blue rgb (173, 216, 230) # ADD8E6
light coral rgb (240, 128, 128) #F08080
lightcyan rgb (224, 255, 255) # E0FFFF
lightgoldenrodyellow rgb (250, 250, 210) # FAFAD2
lightgray rgb (211, 211, 211) # D3D3D3
light green rgb (144, 238, 144) # 90EE90
light gray rgb (211, 211, 211) # D3D3D3
lightpink rgb (255, 182, 193) # FFB6C1
lightssalmon rgb (255, 160, 122) # FFA07A
lightsseagreen rgb (32, 178, 170) # 20B2AA
lightskyblue rgb (135, 206, 250) # 87CEFA
lightslategray rgb (119, 136, 153) #778899
lightslategrey rgb (119, 136, 153) #778899
lightsteelblue rgb (176, 196, 222) # B0C4DE
light yellow rgb (255, 255, 224) # FFFFE0
lime rgb (0, 255, 0) # 00FF00
lime green rgb (50, 205, 50) # 32CD32
pipeline rgb (250, 240, 230) # FAF0E6
magenta rgb (255, 0, 255) # FF00FF
maroon rgb (128, 0, 0) #800000
mediumquamarine rgb (102, 205, 170) # 66CDAA
medium blue rgb (0, 0, 205) # 0000CD
medium orchid rgb (186, 85, 211) # BA55D3
mediumpurple rgb (147, 112, 219) #9370D8
mediumseagreen rgb (60, 179, 113) # 3CB371
mediumslateblue rgb (123, 104, 238) # 7B68EE
mediumspringgreen rgb (0, 250, 154) # 00FA9A
mediumturquoise rgb (72, 209, 204) # 48D1CC
mediumvioletred rgb (199, 21, 133) #C71585
midnight blue rgb (25, 25, 112) #191970
mintcream rgb (245, 255, 250) # F5FFFA
mistyrose rgb (255, 228, 225) # FFE4E1
moccasins rgb (255, 228, 181) # FFE4B5
navajowhite rgb (255, 222, 173) #FFDEAD
navy blue rgb (0, 0, 128) #000080
oldlace rgb (253, 245, 230) # FDF5E6
olive rgb (128, 128, 0) #808000
olivedrab rgb (107, 142, 35) # 6B8E23
Orange rgb (255, 165, 0) # FFA500
orangered rgb (255, 69, 0) # FF4500
orchid rgb (218, 112, 214) # DA70D6
palegoldenrod rgb (238, 232, 170) # EEE8AA
palegreen rgb (152, 251, 152) # 98FB98
pallet turquoise rgb (175, 238, 238) #AFEEEE
palevioletred rgb (219, 112, 147) # D87093
papayawhip rgb (255, 239, 213) # FFEFD5
peach puff rgb (255, 218, 185) # FFDAB9
peru rgb (205, 133, 63) # CD853F
pink rgb (255, 192, 203) # FFC0CB
plum rgb (221, 160, 221) # DDA0DD
powder blue rgb (176, 224, 230) # B0E0E6
purple rgb (128, 0, 128) #800080
RED rgb (255, 0, 0) # FF0000
rosybrown rgb (188, 143, 143) # BC8F8F
royalblue rgb (65, 105, 225) # 4169E1
Saddlebrown rgb (139, 69, 19) # 8B4513
salmon rgb (250, 128, 114) # FA8072
sandybrown rgb (244, 164, 96) # F4A460
seagreen rgb (46, 139, 87) # 2E8B57
seashell rgb (255, 245, 238) # FFF5EE
sienna rgb (160, 82, 45) # A0522D
silver rgb (192, 192, 192) # C0C0C0
skyblue rgb (135, 206, 235) # 87CEEB
slate blue rgb (106, 90, 205) # 6A5ACD
slategray rgb (112, 128, 144) #708090
Slate Gray rgb (112, 128, 144) #708090
snow rgb (255, 250, 250) #FFFAFA
spring green rgb (0, 255, 127) # 00FF7F
steel blue rgb (70, 130, 180) # 4682B4
so rgb (210, 180, 140) # D2B48C
teal rgb (0, 128, 128) #008080
thistle rgb (216, 191, 216) # D8BFD8
tomato rgb (255, 99, 71) # FF6347
turquoise rgb (64, 224, 208) # 40E0D0
purple rgb (238, 130, 238) # EE82EE
wheat rgb (245, 222, 179) # F5DEB3
white rgb (255, 255, 255) # FFFFFF
whitesmoke rgb (245, 245, 245) # F5F5F5
yellow rgb (255, 255, 0) # FFFF00
yellow-green rgb (154, 205, 50) # 9ACD32

Do you know more color codes? We invite you to put them in the comments to expand the list.

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